Rene Descartes

Bite Sized Philosophy - Is Reality an Illusion? | Rene Descartes Method of Doubt Explained

Descartes Meditation VI: Of the existence of material things, & the distinction between mind & body

Descartes e o Racionalismo - Brasil Escola

René Descartes - Meditation #5 - The Ontological Proof of God's Existence

René Descartes - Racionalismo - Educatina

Dualism in Descartes and Classical Philosophy

PHILOSOPHY - History: Descartes' Cogito Argument [HD]

Descartes Meditation I - Of the things which may be brought into Doubt

René Descartes - Durf te Denken

René Descartes para principiantes: “Pienso, luego existo” | Filo.filosofía

René Descartes, o Fundador da Geometria Analítica

Where Does Your Mind Reside?: Crash Course Philosophy #22

Descartes en 3 minutos

René Descartes - 'cogito ergo sum' ; Die Geburt der Moderne

Descartes’s Proofs for God’s Existence (See links below for Descartes's Theory of Knowledge)

DESCARTES - Je pense donc je suis

Descartes (Primera parte)

René Descartes: Erkenntnistheorie - Drei skeptische Argumente. AMODO, Philosophie begreifen!

Cogito Ergo Sum (Introduction to René Descartes) - European Philosophers

Descartes | Transformador de la filosofía | Pienso luego existo | VII Filosofía moderna 05 | T07 E05


In 2 Minuten erklärt: René Descartes

The Mind-Body Duality Fallacy: A Critique of Descartes